Monday, October 15, 2012

Getting Back to Quilting

Now that all the excitement from Fog Fest has died down, I have been able to settle back into some quilting. The creativity is flowing again and my brain is on an overload of ideas. But, I can only do one quilt (ok, maybe two) at a time. I have plenty of fabric lined up in my stash for some beautiful quilts!

First up is my mom's quilt. I started this a while ago and am now getting back to working on it. Gorgeous yellows, greens and white, this quilt is sure going to brighten up her room!

I have also been trying to streamline my production. Feeling a bit tired tonight and not wanting to take out the ironing board and iron (lazy!), I decided just to get the blocks ready for assembly. Much faster to buzz a bunch through the machine.
Ok, so yes, I am working on two quilts at once. The other, is for a friend who just had a baby. Her friends and family decorated quilt squares and now that I have them all back, I am assembling the quilt. It is going to be amazing. Stay tuned for final photos of this one!

One row from the decorated baby quilt.
So after those two are finished, I will begin working on a quilt for my friend's daughter. She had me make the curtains for her room when they had room makeovers to welcome the new baby. I was so inspired by the fabric she had, that I found some coordinates and promised her a new quilt for her older daughters new room. Can't wait to start on this one.

Stay tuned for plenty more quilting projects coming soon!   

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